William Thomas Linton
William Thomas Linton

William Thomas Linton was born in Belhaven, North Carolina on December 3rd, 1949. He has two siblings, one older sister and one older brother. They are pictured below and clicking on their pictures will take you to more info on them and their families.

William Thomas Linton is still alive and was one of three children born of parents, Ronald Armstead Linton Sr. and Lillian Carlotta Keech. William married young to Brenda Susan Jarvis (born January 27th, 1951) on the 28th of June, 1968, and had three daughters, now known as Lorinda Sue Mason (born March 11th, 1969), Kimberly Ann Bergman (born June 24th, 1970) and Rachel Michelle King (born February 20th, 1977). Clicking on any of their three pictures will take you to a separate page of information The Pirate has about their families.

After divorcing, William met Dorothy Steines, born Dorothy Kennedy and married on August 12th, 1989. They never had any children together but are still married to this day. Dorothy had two children, Nick and Melody. William learned his trade as an HVAC mechanic in the Air Force, but William's first love is music. He still plays guitar in a local band.

Ronald Armstead Linton

William Thomas Linton

Lillian Carlotta Keech (March 3rd, 1914-July 8th, 1983)Lillian Carlotta Keech (March 3rd, 1914-July 8th, 1983)
Rachel King was born in February, 1977Rachel King was born in February, 1977
Lorinda Mason (Lori) was born in March, 1969Lorinda Mason (Lori) was born in March, 1969
William jams on guitar
William jams on guitar
Kimberly Bergman (Kim) was born in June, 1970Kimberly Bergman (Kim) was born in June, 1970

Lillian Carlotta Keech

1911 - 1990

1914 - 1983

Ronald Armstead Linton, Jr.Ronald Armstead Linton, Jr.
Ronald Armstead Linton as a young manRonald Armstead Linton as a young man