Tina Marie Linton was born in Virginia Beach, Virginia on July 26th, 1960. She has one younger brother, Tony Linton. Tina married Jody Wayne Pierce on July 6th, 1979 and conceived one daughter, Stephanie Harter. Tina and Jody divorced in 1986 and Tina Re-married later to Gary McCumber and had two more children, Veronica McCumber and Gary Allen McCumber (Allen).
Tina Marie Linton is still alive and was one of two children born of parents, Ronald Armstead Linton, Jr. and Delores Jane Richardson. As children, Tina and The Pirate often hung out a lot and listened to the same music, music that inspired both of them to seek careers in music and show business. In fact, both Tina and The Pirate performed together in a local band called "Blind Justice". Tina's voice was very powerful, and The Pirate looked up to her and aspired to be on stage in great part because of Tina. Tina wrapped up her career fronting a local band called "Relic" alongside her uncle William Linton on guitar. As a bit of trivia, they also played the "Chesapeake Jubilee", a gig The Pirate played a couple of times himself. To this date, none of Tina's children have had any children of their own.
Ronald Armstead Linton
Tina Marie Linton