brown ship on sea during sunset
Lady and The Pirate on their wedding day
Lady and The Pirate on their wedding day

The Pirate is a man of many hobbies and interests and labels himself kind of nerdy. Other than music, The Pirate enjoys playing board and card games like chess, Trivial Pursuit, gin and poker. He also likes his home audio system and theatre, building quite a movie and music collection through the years. The Pirate has built his own home studio through his computer and also enjoys making his own music and travel videos. As of late, The Pirate enjoys playing chef and bartender at home and has a collection of tasty dishes and libations. Many people are not aware of this, but Pirates love to drink other tasty beverages besides just rum. When he's not tinkering in electronics and computers at home, The Pirate enjoys photography, flying drones, riding his e-bike, hiking and playing tennis. This is, of course, when he's not off Pirating on a cruise ship and pillaging foreign dishes and drinks.

Lady Michelle entered The Pirate's life in the last stages of his musical career and they married on the 15th day of April, 2000. They have one daughter, Kyrstin (b. January 10th, 1992), and her good friend, Steven Blair (b. September 11th, 1992), whom is much like a son to Lady and The Pirate, soon came to live with them for quite some time. Kyrstin is now married to Zachery Fierst (b. September 8th, 1992) and they have two children, Anastasia (b. November, 5th, 2017) and Athena (b. August 5th, 2022). Steven is now married as well to Ruby King (b. February, 10th, 1988). Check out all their pics below...

To explore any of The Pirate's interests, just click on a button below the pictures...

Zach and Kyrstin
Zach and Kyrstin
Steven and Ruby at their wedding
Steven and Ruby at their wedding
Anastasia Fierst 2023
Anastasia Fierst 2023
Athena Fierst 2023
Athena Fierst 2023
Lady and The Pirate waiting to become grandparents
Lady and The Pirate waiting to become grandparents

"Always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate.

Then always be a pirate."

The Pirate's favorite holiday is Halloween!

Disney's Haunted Mansion

The Pirate as Jason in 2005
The Pirate as Jason in 2005
The Pirate's costume in 2009
The Pirate's costume in 2009
The Pirate as Jesus in 2015
The Pirate as Jesus in 2015
The Pirate as a Voodoo Priest in 2021
The Pirate as a Voodoo Priest in 2021
The Pirate as a Demon in 2021
The Pirate as a Demon in 2021